An ensemble of professional flutists that brings together all the members of the trasnverse flute family, ranging from the piccolo to the octobass flute.
Elise Battais, Patrice Bocquillon, Julien Bourin, Stéphanie Chatet, Catherine Debever-Perrier, Océane Dhôtel, Charlotte Ducher, Simona Efftinoiu, Delphine Goldstein, Marie-Cécile Guillo, Florence Huet, Hélène Lazartigues, Pierre Martinet, Patricia Nagle, Olivier Pédan, Marine Planchot, Emilie Poingt, Xavier Quérou, Lucile Renon, Eduardo Rosa Dos Santos, Karine Roynard, Laurent Tallon
Musical direction, Olivier Guion
Art coordination, Patricia Nagle and Patrice Bocquillon